Monday, May 21, 2007

Memo to Jimmy Carter: Zip it!

I respect all that Jimmy Carter has done for this country but his recent comments about the Bush administration have me thinking one thing: Zip it!

There's an unspoken rule among former presidents: Don't comment on the performance of the current president.

For cryin' out loud, Jimmy, even Bill Clinton has managed to follow this unspoken rule. Bill, "blue dress" Clinton! Can't you play nice in the sandbox?

And, now, he's telling us his words were misinterpreted. What part of Bush’s administration being the “worst in history" does he think we misunderstood?

And, on another note, is anyone else DREADING the forced kiss we're going to be subjected to between Bill and Hillary? You know it's coming. He's out campaigning for her. NO ONE truly believes they're in love so they'll do that staged french kiss.

Remember Al and Tipper's tonsil swap? I think all of America immediately thought of their own parents "doing it."

In a word? GAG.

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