Saturday, August 30, 2008


Can you hear that? It's the sound of me kicking and screaming.

Vests. They're back for fall. And, I wish this trend would die. Like knickers.

(I don't know who made knickers mainstream in the 80s but they need a good thump in the head. Can you hear that brainstorm? "I have an idea. Let's provide women with corduroy bottoms that make their hips look bigger. Brilliant!")

But I digress.

I wore vests in the 80s. I even made one in my 7th grade sewing class. My mom saved it but I won't be busting it out for fall.

I don't like wearing menswear. Ever. My aversion stems from being forced to wear it when I was younger because there were no other options for tall chicks. And, I know vests have been updated to fit women but they were still designed for men.

This is me crossing my arms. No vests for me.

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